Fun Ways to Track Your Debt Snowball
How you track your debt payoff directly impacts your motivation throughout your journey! Even using the debt snowball method, it can feel exhausting to constantly be focused on paying off debt. After a while, you start to have thoughts about life before you started...
Debt Freedom: How to Ensure Your Success
Do you hate your debt? Are you angry at it? Can you FEEL the control it has over you? Having an emotional response to debt or money problems is human nature. Either your emotions control you, or you learn to use them to control the situation. All you need is a plan...
How to Conquer Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps
Do you have debt that you wish you could get rid of? Are you skeptical about Dave Ramsey’s teachings? I can tell you one thing: his steps are not easy and they are not quick. But believe me, IT IS WORTH IT! The minute you decide to work through his steps, please...
The Secret to Paying Off Debt FAST (The Debt Snowball Method Explained)
Product recommendations herein are purely based on our preferences and actual personal use. We do not receive any commissions for our recommendations. For only about 60-70 years, the world has been a place where you can buy stuff without being able to actually pay for...
My Debt-Free Journey: How I paid off $60,535 in 20 months
Product recommendations herein are purely based on our preferences and actual personal use. We do not receive any commissions for our recommendations. I officially began my debt-free journey in January 2016. (Although, it started far before that!) I was single, living...
Introduction to our “WEALTHY” Category
In the popular movie Jerry Maguire, this quote sums up the flawed mindset that many people hold about being wealthy: “Show me the money!!!” Real wealth is built inside of you and within your strong relationships/bonds with family, friends, and neighbors. We will...