Each of our stories are different. Yours, mine, your neighbor, the mailman…
This website is about what makes us the same: a desire to be slightly better each day!
We want to help by sharing the things we’ve learned – and continue learning every day. From eating healthier to paying off debt to buying a better loofah, we are here to help!

Who is this website for?
Anyone looking for a community of like-minded people who align with all or some of the following:
- Love of God
- Love of America and Freedom
- A Growth Mindset
- Lifetime Learner
- Holistic, Crunchy
- Love of Nature
- Homesteader
- Desire for Simplicity
- Disciplined
- Politically Aware (not woke)
- Entrepreneurial
Does this sound like you? Join our FREE community on Locals!
Who runs this website?
A couple of silly, hard-working, loving people!
We love to learn and think you should too. That’s what this site is all about. Learning, growing, and becoming slightly better every day.
Do you want to be happier, healthier, and wealthier?
We do too!

Jamie and Andrew (yup, we’re married!) are on a mission to help make the world a better place. Somewhere filled with people who love the life they live, because they’re in control.
We also love reading God’s Word together!
Hi, I’m Jamie! I am a badass accountant. (Need additional accounting help? Check out my unique service offerings at Beastmode Accounting.)
Here’s what I love:
- Spending time with my son, Oliver
- Baking delicious, healthy desserts
- Helping people walk along their debt-free journey
- Reading personal development books
- Learning to become more self-sufficient
- Playing with my nieces and nephews
- Exploring new places with my husband (I’m more than halfway through visiting all 50 states!)
Howdy, I’m Andrew! I am an expert landscaper and handyman. (Live in SW Ohio? Check out my other business, Beastmode Contracting.)
Here’s what I love:
- Playing basketball for hours
- Anything that gets me outdoors
- Researching topics of interest
- Playing with food in the kitchen
- Chicken wings and anything spicy
- Watching UFC
- Playing with my nieces and nephews
- Most importantly, goofing off with my wife and son
Why trust us?
Like you, we are not experts in every topic. With that in mind, we ask that you do NOT solely trust our words. Instead, be your own fact-checker.
We encourage our readers to develop their curiosity and better critical thinking skills. Do your own research, learn from the experts that we trust, read the books that we read, then decide for yourself what and who to trust.
Life is a journey and we seek to merely be a guide to better information.
Humans are innately flawed, so everyone purporting to be an expert will be wrong at some point. Never blindly trust any source. Always seek to see for yourself.
The mission of truth seeking can be a daunting task, but it is well worth the effort. We are here to provide support, guide when we can, and learn with you. Any shortcuts we can create by researching and sharing sources, that is our offering and the purpose of this website/community.