What It Feels Like to Be Debt-Free

Have you ever been debt-free as an adult? In August of 2017, I became debt-free for the first time in my adult life and it has felt incredible. Below I will share a few stories about stressful financial situations, comparing how they would feel with the added stress...

15 Cable TV Alternatives That Will Save You Money

Let me guess, you’re in debt and you’re trying to lower your expenses. You finally caved and decided to cut the cable, but still desire the entertainment of TV? Below you will find a list of TV alternatives that will provide entertainment for a significantly reduced...

How To Apply Grace in Your Life to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Often times, we get so focused on our goals and the expectations we set for ourselves that we forget to give grace when these goals aren’t met or we aren’t perfect. The thing that I forget most often: no one knows about these goals and expectations. I could literally...

The Simple Formula to Set and Accomplish Your Goals

“A goal is a dream with its work boots on.”Dave Ramsey Setting goals is the first step toward actually accomplishing a task and making progress in your life. We need goals (and Jesus 😉) to guide us, otherwise we would live in complete chaos with no direction. Goals...

How to Vacation for FREE While Paying Off Debt

Vacations are usually relaxing, fun, eventful, and spent with loved ones. When you think about taking a vacation, most people think happy, positive thoughts. If you are in debt and take a vacation using credit cards, you’ll experience these additional feelings:...

Introduction to our “HAPPY” Category

We all need a little “whoosah” in our lives, some internal Zen to push us through the hard moments of each day. We hope that the content we deliver in our “happy” category will reflect those objectives. So, what does it really mean to be happy? Let’s...